Glæden var stor hos de fremmødte, da Wa-folkets bibel blev uddelt. Foto: De Forenede Bibelselskaber.
Thanks to donations, we are able to spread the Bible to exposed areas of the world. Photo: United Bible Societies

Support our work

The Danish Bible Society continuously supports projects aimed at persecuted Christians, fugitives and bible translation- and distribution

Why support us

In close cooperation with United Bible Societies, we are actively engaged in many international projects. Some of these projects are:

  • Education of church leaders in exposed areas of the world in pastoral care, so they may relieve their traumatized congregation
  • Food, shelter, bibles and more to persecuted Christians in the Middle East
  • Translation of the Bible into minority languages so the Word will reach remote areas of the world
  • Distribution of the Bible to desperate inmates and illiterates who may then learn how to read  
  • The fight against HIV and AIDS in 20 different countries

Donations are vital to keeping these projects alive and you can support us from abroad via the following transfer method:

Bank transfer

Donations and collections to the international bible cause can easily be transferred to The Danish Bible Society by giro form or bank transfer, via the following account (please also state the intended purpose for the donation):

Sort code: 3001, account no.: 9000488

Sharing is caring - support the international bible cause today!

Æslet fortæller den største historie

Årets påskebog for hele familien

udkommer 27. marts

Forfatter: Kim Fupz Aakeson
Illustrator: Signe Kjær
Sidetal: 32 sider
Indbinding: Hardback
Forlag: Bibelselskabets Forlag
Varenummer: 978-87-7232-347-3
Mål: 21 x 21 cm.