Eivør Pálsdóttir
"You Know Me" - Læs teksten
Eivør Pálsdóttirs sang er inspireret af Salme 139 i Salmerne bog. Den begynder med "You know me from the marrow of my bones, to the core of my beating heart, my bones were broken my heart was blue, you thought I was beautiful".
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Tekst og musik af Eivør Pálsdóttir.
Inspireret af Salme 139.
You know me from the marrow of my bones
To the core of my beating heart
My bones were broken my heart was blue
You thought I was beautiful
Rivers of salty water
The tears that bind us together
When I acted like a fool and my actions were cruel
Deep in the darkest hollow
There are no lights to follow
There I hide in my weakness
From everyone
Still, you thought I was beautiful
Your love is in the marrow of my bones
In the ribbons of my DNA
I don’t have to pretend – you know who I am
Deep in the darkest hollow
There are no lights to follow
There I hide in my weakness
From everyone
I can’t run away from you
You are in every molecule
You think I am beautiful
You know me (Eivør)
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Salme 139
Salme 139 begynder således:
For korlederen. Salme af David.
Herre, du ransager mig og kender mig.
Du ved, om jeg sidder eller står,
på lang afstand er du klar over min tanke;
du har rede på, om jeg går eller ligger,
alle mine veje er du fortrolig med.
Læs hele Salme 139